Wednesday, 22 February 2017


Selfishness is a major clog in the wheel of development. And this is true not just in Nigeria. The finer virtues in men are sometimes hidden by this wall. The wall of uncertainty that separates us, making us fret over what is to come and do things that are less than noble or even humane. It has stifled good intentions and in some cases, killed integrity. Indeed this thought is as factual as it could be, anywhere in the world.
Or to what may we credit the known theme of Africa to the outside world? Corruption is a dis-ease of the mind and it definitely doesn't start in the place of power. As a sickness like any other, it builds gradually, starting from a causal agent and showing symptoms and is fuelled or prevented by the prevailing conditions in the body (immunity). The society, which is mired in unaccountability in most cases, has no clout to withstand the invasion of this illness caused by the virus selfishness whose main symptom is thievery. Even though we seem to know the way forward, we can't cure ourselves of this ill - the ills of corruption caused by selfishness. Some think it's lost cause for us to be upright, some preach the next generation as if this is a new campaign. But if we can't stem it here and now, how will they do it? Others call for change and more often than not their hands aren't where their mouths are.
If true development must take place, let me put it to you that there must be a shift of mindsets. Men must see change in thought processes as the way forward and be willing to unlearn. Everything we are and do was learnt before it became peculiar to us. This is the only way to break the unending circle of failure in life and society. If we will give thought to our fellows, starting from the brothers and reaching out to the world in a bid to better all our lives, our actions won't go sour and we will succeed in building a better world for our race. It is expedient that we foster thinking and collective reasoning with lifestyles that will provoke one another to excellence. And while we're trying to fix us, we should expunge the evil that threatens to corrupt our children.

Thanks for reading
Written by 'durotimi

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