Friday, 24 February 2017

Dissatisfied with my ordinary life

Lately I've lost my peace. Loss of peace means little or no sleep, worry, almost no appetite, tiredness and high stress levels. All of that. I haven't found a way to get it back yet as the thoughts in my head have prevented my peace from returning. The cause of this is not unknown to me though it is still unclear what to do about it.
I am tired. Tired of the mundane things that mark my life at present. Is this how I'll continue? Without a concrete plan to impact my generation and no means to implement my plans? Is this how lives gradually become irrelevant in the scheme of things? Isn't this how dreams fizzle out and die avoidable deaths? Distracted from course and purpose, not content but coasting along; hungry, wanting, hoping.
I want to do things. It pinches me, oh it bothers me. I am not satisfied. I hate my ordinary life. Ordinary in the sense that I am not achieving the things I want to achieve. I'm trying but time seems to get away from me. I feel the energy coursing through me and I am restless. I've lost my peace. Is it odd that I feel like this?
I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time, know there was something that I left behind. When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets, Leave something to remember, so they won't forget I was here.

Written by 'Duroti'


  1. I can relate to that

    1. Yeah? I think one should be true to their feelings, don't you?

  2. I often feel this deep down.definitely THÈ time is coming.

    1. It is a phase, depending on how it's handled.

  3. Thank you Beverly, thank you Anifowose for reading and sharing your thoughts


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