(c) 'durotimi
This is a journal of the things I observe around me. In other words, this is my version of reality as I perceive it. The purpose is to set you thinking about what, why and how you think.
Dedicated to the man who was necessary
You were a spark, a glowing ember
You were a torch, a raging fire
None can compare
The strength of your fervour
The light of your visage
The scope of your words
Reaching to the highest haven
You sat enthroned.
You were a god, a thunderous god
Interesting, isn't it?
Your humour was lethal, your smile a rain
Your touch was bitter, my heart is in pain
On this anniversary of your birth I celebrate
Not for any reason, just because.
Enigma you were, I still wonder
Oblivious to your Thorian capacity
Yet none dare apprise you
You were supposed to be the protector
But you it was that plundered.
Now that you're gone, I feel sadness and joy.
So here is to you, the cover that was.
Dedicated to Nettifat
He loves me or so he claims and that seems to be true.
I love him, I'm sure of that, he is too. Or why does he keep coming back?
I am his woman but he is not mine. I am the other woman.
The one he keeps in secret and runs to at every chance. I live my world around his and when he comes, it's like Christmas. He is married to a woman who bore him children. He has everything he needs and all seems fine with him but not all that glitters is gold, he really is not whole. The rich cry behind their gated fences and pretty walls.
I am his woman not by chance but by choice. Even though things happened in an unplanned manner - we made this choice. To be together, to have each other and he delights in me as much as I am crazy for him. And though I may never completely have him, I want him all the same. Don't interrupt my bliss, I'd rather this than the other real.
What shall we do about the ones for whom marriage is not sufficient? Should divorce be encouraged in such cases? If a man's wants are insatiable is that inclusive of marriage?These are questions I ponder as I think about the issue of a man who keeps another woman in his life at the same time staying married to his wife. Isn't this scenario relatable to the analogy of a child who wants to eat his cake yet have it in his hand to consume tomorrow? And his woman, is she wrong to love him even though she knows it may not be beneficial, to her and a woman like her who wants to protect herself?
If the wife is divorced because of the other woman, that would cause a disaster; an unforgivable experience. If the other woman is abandoned, that would be a great grievance, to her and the one she loves. His heart belongs to the other woman, his responsibility lies in the nest he has created. Things are bound to be complicated. Whose fault is the fiasco at hand and who should pay for it?
There are "correct" answers for such a situation but matters of the heart are seldom politically correct. Could this mean that grey areas exist as a direct result of our emotions and not necessarily deliberate or willful negligence to follow the rules? If in your eyes and my eyes, all men are truly created equal with each individual amounting to much more than a number in the world, the dicey-ness of the situation will hit home with you. Ah, who knows, your sister or mother or aunt or friend or daughter or niece or a person closely related to you might be in such a situation at a point in time. What would you advise then?
A man is in a fix who could think but did not think far enough.
(c) 'durotimi.
No one can serve two masters. You would either love the one and hate the other or hold on to the one and despise the other - Jesus.
Am I supposed to serve God only in the Church?
What does serving God mean? Why service?
Service is any activity that is rendered for the gratification of others. Service to God is worship. It is any good thing that is done either to God or men that makes God proud, giving him pleasure in our lives.
Christians are called to serve. Leaders are chosen to serve. We are alive to do something that is beneficial not just for ourselves. Every man on earth has breath for a purpose. While there may be no scale to judge or weigh the things we do in service, please do not hesitate to keep on in it.
I see people who claim to be Christians, indeed Church-people who use the lingo and all, sit on their high chairs, slurping happily away without a care in the world about getting their hands dirty. Even in attendance of church meetings called "services", everyone wants to sit back and be served forgetting that every other person also came to be served. Believing that service makes you lowly they don't want to participate in anything that involves them expending themselves albeit necessarily and forgetting that services were rendered for each person to get where they are in life. They claim to do their part and leave the rest for someone else who is perhaps thinking the same.
How can I serve myself - work for my own ends, devote my time of life to my personal consumption yet claim that I have done my part in the world? Who's gonna make the world a better place? Isn't this a form of hypocrisy? Without concern for the good of others, without interest in the state of humankind, how can one claim to be truly serving or even serving God? There are some living 'the good life', paying little or no thought to even those related to them. Everyone should pay for their own meal or not eat at all, right? Do you think your payment is enough for all the services you've enjoyed? No! And do you think you must be paid for all your services? No! Since life began, existence has been supported by parties bending to each other. If I don't bend, how will I carry you, and how will we climb higher? And I see some supercilious church workers who act well in church services but outside that are guilty of double lifestyles, saying something about theology and secularism, excuse me, can service to God be rendered only at your local assembly? We all need each other and the services we can offer. All motion is caused by devotion.
Service is influence, living and touching lives that may be unaware of our giving, indelibly leaving a mark. Serving God is helping humanity, pursuing peace and working for good in others. It is much more than being pious and law abiding. It is invention and innovation. It is neither a sacred nor secular concept. It is the way to live.
No one can serve himself and make positive contributions to the society. He will either take the one and neglect the other or abide to one and ignore the other. Tell it to everyone you know; if your action is helping someone somewhere without necessarily doing you good, it is service. If you're serving reverently, you're serving God. Stay worthy.
(c) 'durotimi
So it's another independence holiday and almost everyone I know is doing something (writing articles, dropping singles and all), yeah, I'm surrounded by people like that. Others are just going along, joining arguments and discussing the trends in the nation. I'm about to join my voice to the song of the season, please oblige me.
Nostalgic feelings consume my heart and show on my face. Nigeria, our Nigeria, how do I stay patriotic to you? I have answered your call to live in serve freedom, peace and unity, not eschewing service in love, strength and faith. Because I long for you with great passion, I pray for you great nation.
We are all we have whatever may come of that. Still we keep believing in this nation and hope that the promise within her will unfold. Even if the desired change is elusive and unattained (yet), let us defend Nigeria, our land, our people, us. And pray the simple prayer we have always sung.
God bless Nigeria.
Dear Nigeria, I will yet boast of thee.
"Oh God of heaven, direct our noble cause. Please guide our leaders and help our youths to know the truth. Help us all to grow in love and honesty, leading just and true lives. We shall attain great lofty heights and our nation will be built, peace and justice will reign. Amen. "
(c) 'durotimi