Wednesday, 8 March 2017

The Gospel

How many years on earth have you? Two decades? Five, less? How much information have you retained? Do you remember the best piece of news you learnt? When did that happen? How did you learn of it? By hearing, reading, how? How did it meet you and how did you respond to the news?
The way of the cross leads home; the way of death leads to life and the way up is down. This is the gospel; it’s good news.
This good news is perhaps the most unlikely piece of news you ever heard depending on when you heard it, where and how it met you. Years have come and gone yet this news is spreading undaunted, reaching people of different classes and remaining for some, the best news ever told irrespective of the circumstances. Rather queer, isn’t it? Maybe, but what is it about this news? What is this news that is so good it has endured the times? How did it come to be?
The news is this; love is the purpose. The gospel is God reaching for you and me. The gospel is supernatural. It is not laws or methods or creed; it is love on a golden platter. It is free, it is pure, it is the most unlikely event and piece of news in history; defying logic and all forms of sensibility. That the divine desires oneness with inglorious mortality, that greatness wants to be kind and involved with us. Flabbergasting, but valid; love is the reason. Yet this is the gospel; unbelievable though it seems. All the years on earth that have been spent, could not fathom this great news and neither can you, for it remains a great mystery.
Texts abound supporting and opposing the motion of a loving Supreme God being but permit me to say that errors abound because of wrong interpretations. You must give up your prejudices to find the truth of the gospel. Until we get to that place of surrender, there's no winning or victory; just despair. And only then can we feel the hope that's held out by the gospel.
If you’re going to pitch justice or logic, you must admit that the law makes machines of people. But there's a place of buying totally into the ideals of it that living it is seamless. The law is backed by truths. If those truths drive men, laws would not be needed. And those truths came from a One who knew them without the depravity that we have known. The law is good but love is better – THIS is the Gospel.

Thanks for reading.
Written by ‘durotimi

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